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A simple hiring process

See how it works

Group 6

Step one

Get searching

Updated weekly, our huge event hire range can cater to all types of events. Browse through productscollections or check out the inspiration gallery for event ideas.

Step two

Get a quote

Once you’ve added all your items to your quote, fill out your event details and submit your quote to us. Quotes sent through before midday will guarantee a same-day response (excluding weekends).

Step three

Get organised

We understand that all events need to be flexible. Our sales team will be available to fine-tune your order right up until the day before your event. Our operations team will touch base a few days before your event to confirm access times, the delivery address and any other logistical information they may need.

Once you’re happy with your order, a 40% deposit will reserve your equipment for you.

Step four

Get the party started!

On the day of the event, our operations team offer a full set up and pack down service. From here, there’s nothing else to do but pop the bubbles and enjoy the party! We’ll be back later to pick everything up and clean it all back at the base – no dirty dishes for you to clean!